domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014


This statue was esculpted by Ricardo Belver in Rome. It was award-winner with the first class medal in the National Eshibition in 1878 and in 1885 was put in its actual place.
Many people from Madrid were opposed to this initiative, nost of all clergy, but the Duke Fernan Nuñez, who was the promoter of this idea gave a larga amount of money in order to put it in its actual emplacement.
Since then it has turned into one of the statues most visiter in the park. You can see a beautiful angel with a frightened open mouth staring how he is sent off from heaven pushed by terrible snakes coiled around his body.
Actually, this statue it´s exactly at 666 metres above sea level, measure that you can checked with a GPS, for example.
In this place, in the last years and in ay ocassions, different followers groups meet around it looking for thinking and inspiration to their projects, and to have strange rituals in area around it.
The gargoyles are waiting with their horrifying faces to catch him.

domingo, 9 de febrero de 2014


To whom it may concern:

I work at the UEX processing scholarship applications and I am interested  in applying for your "Erasmus Staff Training" during the 2014/15 academic year. 
I would like to spend one or two weeks in a similar office at yor insitution with the objective of sharing my experience with a colleague at yor Institution.
I woud be grateful if you could confirm that my message has reached the apropriate contact at your Institution.

Yours faithfully,

Mª Eugenia Rubio

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014


I'm working at the UEX in the office that is in charged to process scholarship applications for universitary students.

I like my work because I have to do different stuff: every single student has a different academic and familliar situation.
So you have to contact through email with the students and with the colleges to solve any question.
Sometimes I have to provide personal attention and answer the queries of students or parents who require it.
That's why I have to study the ministerial order that is changing every year.
The worst is that you have to do every thing in time.

Mis compañeros en Cáceres

Los Pacos en Badajoz

Mis compañeros en Badajoz

Alicia, mi jefa de negociado en Badajoz

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014


My experience in this English course has been very positive, I think I have learned some skills that I can use to improve my english level.
And It was funny too, because the teachers and my classmates are very friendly and they help me to enjoy the class time ( in the afternoon from 4.30 to 8.30).
But a few days later at home when I am trying to complete this task on my blog I notice that I have no idea how to do it.
But I´ll try it.
At less, I´ve reached to write some lines.                                          

WELL DONE ! I am not going to give up.
Uff, I¨m very tired .

Till tomorrow.